At FOCODE, we greatly believe that Woman should be treated equally, offered equal chances, opportunities and there should be no discrimination against women in society. At FOCODE, we focus on social, economic, political and cultural empowerment of Women. Economically, we we work to empower women to participate equally in existing markets; increase access to and control over productive resources, access to decent work, control over their own time, lives and bodies; and increased voice and meaningful participation in economic decision-making at all levels. Working with a variety of partners, FOCODE promote women’s ability to secure decent jobs, accumulate assets, and influence institutions and public policies that determine growth and development.

One important area of focus involves advocacy to measure women’s unpaid care work, and to take actions so women and men can more readily combine it with paid employment. In all our work, we reach out to women most in need, often by engaging with grass-roots women’s groups and organizations. Particularly marginalized groups include rural women, domestic workers, some migrants and low-skilled women. We at increasing and having higher incomes for women, better access to and control over resources, and greater security, including protection from violence.

Politically, increasing women's political participation and leadership are vital mechanisms that support women to realize their human rights. The absence of women in decision-making and leadership is largely a result of inherently biased structures, systems and social norms. For example, discriminatory laws, processes and practices result in greater barriers to educational and economic opportunities for women and girls.

Consequently, women are less likely than men to have access to the education, contacts and resources needed to become effective leaders. Increasing women's participation in leadership and decision- making contributes economic and social development. At FOCODE, we promote opportunities for women’s participation in leadership; enhance political inclusivity and support women’s political participation. We increase public awareness of and engagement of women in inclusive and effective political participation and share knowledge and experiences in promoting women’s leadership

Our Vision

A society where Women Rights are respected, free of Violence, injustices and with empowered Women having control over resources and with dignified lives

Our Mission

Our mission is to support women to achieve their full potential; to encourage, enable and facilitate their active involvement in business, employment, learning and community life. We seek to achieve this by harnessing the economic power of women and communities, promoting financial and social inclusion, addressing violence and injustices, creating spaces for Women Human Rights Defenders as well as changing perceptions and influencing policy.

Our Objectives

  • To economically empower women through financial inclusion by addressing laws and barriers to women’s access and control over resources
  • To increase Women’s participation in environmental governance by increasing women’s participation in decision-making and influence policies that affect women’s well being
  • To mobilize grassroots women, women’s groups and organizations to participate in climate change decision making and action at all levels and ensure equal space and resources for women and men.
  • To foster, support and enhance mechanisms for the protection of Women human rights defenders so as to ensure their safety and security

Our Core Values

From advocacy to local projects, our core values guide everything we do. While we like to work flexibly, we have established a framework that aligns with our values.

  • We are accessible: We are here for all women – whatever their story – and we can appreciate the most complex of challenges. We celebrate diversity in every context, and are committed to helping women achieve their potential, no matter what their background or goals.
  • We are creative: We continually evaluate and improve our own practices to respond to women’s needs. Whether we are tackling complex issues or more common universal ones, we employ innovation and imagination. If there is no obvious existing solution, we work and think creatively to find a new one.
  • We are leaders: Pioneering new ideas, resources, programmes and connections makes us more effective. That’s why we are constantly pushing against the status quo and acting as a bold and forward-thinking voice that brings people together.
  • We are change-makers: We are absolutely committed to helping all women, and our focus is always on practical, positive outcomes. In other words, we get results. Whether we’re helping new businesses grow and thrive, inspiring improvements in legislation, or raising social awareness, our success lies in having a real and meaningful impact on individual women’s lives.
  • We are collaborators: We foster co-operation between individuals and organisations, from the grassroots to the highest level of government, bringing credibility, professionalism and enthusiasm to every partnership we undertake.
  • We are defenders: We are committed to promote gender equality and women empowerment. We work to address any barriers that prevent full participation of women and girls in the public and political life. We implements actions that fosters safety and security of Woman Human rights defenders.
  • Inclusive participation: We believe in full and inclusive participation by all and that every person, man, women or community has the right and responsibility to contribute their talents, skills and resources to the work we do, for and with them.
  • We use Participatory Approaches: We believe that women’s participation is an essential part of the process of governance and community development. Therefore, we consider participatory approaches as a critical instrument for women empowerment.
  • We are committed: We work with marginalized women and girls we work to improve their lives, alleviate their suffering and develop a vision for change that will make a meaningful difference in their lives.
  • We nurture partnerships: consider partnership as one of our key organizing principle, we are, therefore, committed to developing, maintaining and nurturing partnerships, including alliance and linkages- with institutions and individuals who identify with our vision and mission.