Women play a critical role in managing natural resources on family and community levels and are most affected by environmental degradation. In communities around Uganda, women manage water, sources for fuel, and food, as well as both forests and agricultural terrain. When women are poorly informed of their community entitlements and environmental rights, it has a big impact on the wider community. Big infrastructure and development projects often bring competition and conflict within the community, and between the community and government and businesses, over who gains, and how, from natural resources. To address this problem, FOCDE is working to empower women from grassroots communities in Uganda to participate in decision-making and influence policies that affect them.

Trainings enables them to better understand and defend their rights and to protect the community’s economic, social and cultural interests. FOCDE provide grassroots women with information on their constitutional rights, and allows them to share their views with the government. Very importantly, FOCDE educates women on environmental laws so they can understand their rights and how such laws can protect them in case of violations. In doing so, FOCDE is working to increase Women’s participation in environmental governance